
Hot Key For Mac

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MacBook owners have a number of tools that come in very handy for using their laptops efficiently and for maintaining the operating system to keep it running in top shape. These MacBook keyboard shortcuts for the Finder, a maintenance checklist, and a “translation” of the modifier keys will speed you on your way to becoming a MacBook power user.

Mac OS X Finder Keyboard Shortcuts

The Mac OS X Lion Finder helps you access and organize most of the important Mac OS X functions while you work. Use Finder keyboard shortcuts to display windows, copy and move files, and launch applications. These keyboard shortcuts help you get things done more efficiently.

Copy hotkey mac
Command+ASelects all items in the active window (icon view), all items
in the column (column view), or all items in the list (cover flow
Command+CCopies selected items
Command+DDuplicates the selected item(s)
Command+EEjects the selected volume
Command+FDisplays the Find dialog
Command+HHides All Finder windows
Command+IShows info for selected item or items
Command+JShows the view options for the active window
Command+KDisplays the Connect to Server dialog
Command+LCreates an alias for the selected item
Command+MMinimizes the active window
Command+NOpens a new Finder window
Command+OOpens (or launches) the selected item
Command+RShows the original for selected alias
Command+TAdds the selected item to the Sidebar
Command+VPastes items from the Clipboard
Command+WCloses the active window
Command+XCuts the selected items
Command+ZUndoes the last action (if possible)
Command+,Displays Finder Preferences
Command+1Shows the active window in icon mode
Command+2Shows the active window in list mode
Command+3Shows the active window in column mode
Command+4Shows the active window in cover flow mode
Command+[Moves back to the previous Finder location
Command+]Moves forward to the next Finder location
Command+DelMoves selected items to the Trash
Command+up-arrowShow enclosing folder
Command+`Cycles through windows
Command+?Displays the Mac OS X Help Viewer
Command+Shift+ATakes you to your Applications folder
Command+Shift+CTakes you to the top-level Computer location
Command+Shift+GTakes you to a folder that you specify
Command+Shift+HTakes you to your Home folder
Command+Shift+IConnects you to your iDisk
Command+Shift+QLogs you out
Command+Shift+NCreates a new untitled folder in the active window
Command+Shift+UTakes you to your Utilities folder
Command+Shift+DelDeletes the contents of the Trash
Command+Option+HHides all windows except the Finder’s window(s)
Command+Option+NCreates a new Smart Folder
Command+Option+THides the Finder window toolbar
Command+Option+SpaceOpens the Spotlight window
Command+SpaceOpens the Spotlight menu
F8Choose another desktop using Spaces
Control+up-arrow (or F3, depending on your keyboard model)Displays the Mission Control screen
Control+down-arrow (or Control+F3, depending on your keyboard
Shows all open windows for the current application using
Mission Control
F11 (or Command+F3, depending on your keyboard model)Hides all windows to display the Desktop using Mission
F12 (or F4, depending on your keyboard model)Displays your Dashboard widgets
SpaceQuick Look

Oct 07, 2013  Hot Keys for Mac David A. Unsubscribe from David A. Mac Mini Review 2019 - FINALLY a Proper Review from a Mac Mini user! - Duration: 21:02. Hot keys are combinations of keys which help you accomplish different operations more quickly. In this tutorial video we should you all the popular ones. A shortcut to the Display preferences is to press Alt-Brightness Up (or Brightness Down, aka F1 or F2) You can open Mission Control preferences by pressing Alt-Mission Control (F3). To exclude the window's shadow from the screenshot, press and hold the Option key while you click. A thumbnail of the screenshot briefly appears in the corner of your screen. Interact with the thumbnail to edit the screenshot, move it, or take other actions. Or wait for the screenshot to appear on your desktop. What is AutoHotkey. AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of. To use a keyboard shortcut, press and hold one or more modifier keys and then press the last key of the shortcut. For example, to use Command-C (copy), press and hold the Command key, then the C key, then release both keys. Mac menus and keyboards often use symbols for certain keys, including modifier keys. Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts. Add to Sidebar (Mac OS X 10.3 or later—use Shift-Command-T for Add to Favorites). You can use the key combinations.

Hotkey For Macbook

Strange-Looking Keys on the MacBook Keyboard

New to the Macintosh world? Some keys on the MacBook keyboard may be mystifying. Whether you’re using Snow Leopard or an older version of Mac OS X, recognizing and using modifier keys will make your job easier. Here’s a look at the modifier keys on both MacBook and desktop keyboards:

Mac OS X Maintenance Checklist

Maintenance is vital if you want to keep Mac OS X Lion in tip-top condition for as long as possible. Maintaining your MacBook keeps it running fast and smooth. Basic housekeeping includes regular back-ups plus some other, less familiar, tasks. Check this table often, or print it and keep a copy near your laptop!

Mac Maintenance TaskSchedule
Check for updates with Software UpdateOnce a day (automatic setting)
Back up with Time MachineAutomatic
Defragment (Micromat TechTool Pro/Prosoft Engineering Drive
Genius 3)
Once a week
Repair Disk Permissions (Disk Utility)Once a week
Delete Unnecessary User Accounts (System Preferences)As necessary
Scan for viruses (Intego VirusBarrier X6, ClamXav 2)Automatic
Check all volumes (Disk Utility/ Micromat TechTool Pro)Once a week
Check for the latest drivers for your hardwareOnce a month (or after installing new hardware)
Delete temporary Internet cache files (Prosoft Engineering
Drive Genius 3)
Once a month
Features Documentation Knowledge Base Discussion Forums

Mac Screenshot Hotkey

If you prefer to work from the keyboard as much as possible, you may find the following keyboard shortcuts handy. If you have changed the Preferences setting for the hot-key combination, substitute your new setting for Ctrl-Alt as needed in the shortcuts listed here.

Hotkey For Mac Screenshot




Power on.


Power off.


Reset the power.




Create a new virtual machine.


Open a virtual machine.


Close the summary/console view for the selected virtual machine.

A confirmation dialog appears only if the virtual machine is powered on.


Edit the virtual machine's configuration.


Grab input from keyboard and mouse.


Edit preferences.


Go to full screen mode.


Return to normal (windowed) mode.


Switch among open virtual machines while mouse and keyboard input are grabbed.


Switch among open virtual machines while mouse and keyboard input are not grabbed. VMware Workstation must be the active application.


Switch among open virtual machines while mouse and keyboard input are not grabbed. VMware Workstation must be the active application.


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Linux hosts: Switch among open virtual machines while using full screen mode. Fx is a function key corresponding to the virtual machine you want to use. The key combination to use for a virtual machine is shown in the VMware Workstation title bar when that virtual machine is active and in normal (windowed) mode.

Windows hosts: For an additional similar functionality, see Using Full Screen Switch Mode.