
Install Docker For Mac

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  1. Install Docker For Mac Pro

Docker for Mac is simple to install, so you can have Docker containers running on your Mac in just a few minutes. And Docker for Mac auto-updates so you continue getting the latest Docker product revisions. With experimental Kubernetes support in Docker CE for Mac, Docker can provide users an end-to-end suite of container-management software.

This is a step-by-step guide to installing and running Kubernetes on your Mac so that you can develop applications locally.

You will be guided through running and accessing a Kubernetes cluster on your local machine using the following tools:

  1. Trying to setup docker from brew, however the engine does not seem to be included in any of the any of the official formulas. Brew install docker-machine docker-compose So these only installs the.
  2. Presents Docker for Application Development - Installing Docker for Mac In this episode, I'll show you the steps to install Docker for.
  3. Docker for Mac beta 26 has improved support for macOS 10.12 Sierra: all the major show stopper issues which we are aware of have been fixed. If you have the opportunity, please give it a try on the latest Sierra GM seed and open fresh issues for any problems you find.
  • Homebrew
  • Docker for Mac
  • Minikube
  • virtualbox
  • kubectl

Installation Guide

The only pre-requisite for this guide is that you have Homebrew installed. Homebrew is a package manager for the Mac. You’ll also need Homebrew Cask, which you can install after Homebrew by running brew tap caskroom/cask in your Terminal.

  1. Install Docker for Mac. Docker is used to create, manage, and run our containers. It lets us construct containers that will run in Kubernetes Pods.

  2. Install VirtualBox for Mac using Homebrew. Run brew cask install virtualbox in your Terminal. VirtualBox lets you run virtual machines on your Mac (like running Windows inside macOS, except for a Kubernetes cluster.)

    Skip to step three if everything has worked to this point.

    In my case, I already had the non-Homebrew VirtualBox app installed which caused issues when trying to start minikube.

    If you already have VirtualBox installed, start the installation as before with brew cask install virtualbox. You will get a warning that confirms this saying Warning: Cask 'virtualbox' is already installed.. Once this is confirmed, you can reinstall VirtualBox with Homebrew by running brew cask reinstall virtualbox.

    If you happen to have VirtualBox already running when you do this, you could see an error saying Failed to unload org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv - (libkern/kext) kext is in use or retained (cannot unload).

    This is because the kernel extensions that VirtualBox uses were in use when the uninstall occurred. If you scroll up in the output of that command, beneath Warning! Found the following active VirtualBox processes: you’ll see a list of the processes that need to be killed.

    Kill each of these in turn by running kill first_column_number (first_column_number is the process identifier for that process).

    Now re-run brew cask reinstall virtualbox and it should succeed.

  3. Install kubectl for Mac. This is the command-line interface that lets you interact with Kuberentes. Run brew install kubectl in your Terminal.

  4. Install Minikube via the Installation > OSX instructions from the latest release. At the time of writing, this meant running the following command in Terminal…

    Minikube will run a Kubernetes cluster with a single node.

  5. Everything should work! Start your Minikube cluster with minikube start. Then run kubectl api-versions. If you see a list of versions, everything’s working! minikube start might take a few minutes.

  6. At this point, I got an error saying Error starting host: Error getting state for host: machine does not exist. because I had previously tried to run Minikube. You can fix this by running open ~/.minikube/ to open Minikube’s data files, and then deleting and deleting the machines directory. Then run minikube start again.

    Control alt delete for mac

Come Together

You’ve installed all these tools and everything looks like it’s working. A quick explanation of how the components relate is needed.

  • VirtualBox is a generic tool for running virtual machines. You can use it to run Ubuntu, Windows, etc. inside your macOS operating system host.
  • Minikube is a Kubernetes-specific package that runs a Kubernetes cluster on your machine. That cluster has a single node and has some unique features that make it more suitable for local development. Minikube tells VirtualBox to run. Minikube can use other virtualization tools—not just VirtualBox—however these require extra configuration.
  • kubectl is the command line application that lets you interact with your Minikube Kubernetes cluster. It sends request to the Kubernetes API server running on the cluser to manage your Kubernetes environment. kubectl is like any other application that runs on your Mac—it just makes HTTP requests to the Kubernetes API on the cluster.

Key Features and Capabilities

The fastest way to design and deliver containerized applications and microservices on the desktop and cloud.

Simple Setup for Docker and Kubernetes

No need to fiddle with VMs or add a bunch of extra components; simply install from a single package and have your first containers running in minutes. You get certified Kubernetes and Docker, for developers of all levels of container expertise.

Install Docker For Mac

Certified Kubernetes

Setup a fully functional Kubernetes environment on your desktop with a single click and start developing and testing modern applications in minutes.

Application Templates and App Designer

Customize and share multi-service applications and service templates that are tailored to your organization. Pre-defined and customizable application templates adhere to corporate standards and automate configuration, eliminating error-prone manual setup. Intuitive Application Designer facilitates the packaging, installing, and managing of multi-service applications as a shareable package.

Align Desktop to Production Platforms

Docker Desktop Enterprise Version Packs keep your local Docker and Kubernetes versions in lock-step with production systems, eliminating “works on my machine” problems once and for all.

Enterprise Controls

Ensure safe development standards and configurations without compromising developers’ ability to innovate. Deployable via your choice of endpoint management tools with optional lockable settings.

Secure Dev to Ops

Install Docker For Mac Pro

Start from approved, safe templates and safeguard against image tampering and vulnerabilities. Integrates with Docker Hub and Docker Trusted Registry for automated image scanning and verification and policy-based access and deployment controls.